
romanisim.l1.add_read_noise_to_resultants(resultants, tij, read_noise=None, rng=None, seed=None)

Adds read noise to resultants.

The resultants get Gaussian read noise with sigma = sigma_read/sqrt(N). This is not quite right. In reality read noise is added during each read. This is the same as adding to the resultants and dividing by sqrt(N) except for quantization; this additional subtlety is currently ignored.

resultantsnp.ndarray[n_resultant, nx, ny] (float)

resultants array, giving each of n_resultant resultant images


list of list of readout times for each read entering a resultant

read_noisefloat or np.ndarray[nx, ny] (float)

read noise or read noise image for adding to resultants


Random number generator to use


Seed for populating RNG. Only used if rng is None.

np.ndarray[n_resultant, nx, ny] (float)

resultants with added read noise