
To install

pip install romanisim

and you should be largely set!

There are a few dependencies that may cause more difficulty. First, WebbPSF requires data files to operate. See the docs for instructions on obtaining the relevant data files and pointing the WEBBPSF_PATH environment variable to them. This issue can be avoided by not setting the --webbpsf argument, in which case romanisim uses the GalSim modeling of the Roman PSF.

Second, some synthetic scene generation tools use images of galaxies distributed separately from the main GalSim source. See here for information on obtaining the COSMOS galaxies for use with GalSim. The romanisim package also has a less sophisticated scene modeling toolkit, which just renders Sersic galaxies. The command line interface to romanisim presently uses supports Sersic galaxy rendering, and so many users may not need to download the COSMOS galaxies.

Third, romanisim can work with the Roman CRDS system. This functionality is not available to the general community at the time of writing. Using CRDS requires specifying the CRDS_PATH and CRDS_SERVER_URL variables. CRDS is not used unless the --usecrds argument is specified; do not include this argument unless you have access to the Roman CRDS.

That said, the basic install process looks like this:

pip install romanisim
# to get a specific version, use instead
# pip install romanisim==0.1
# to be able to run the tests for a specific version, use instead
# pip install romanisim[test]==0.1

# get webbpsf data and untar it
mkdir -p $HOME/data/webbpsf-data
cd $HOME/data/webbpsf-data
wget -O webbpsf-data.tar.gz
tar -xzf webbpsf-data.tar.gz
export WEBBPSF_PATH=$PWD/webbpsf-data

# get galsim galaxy catalogs
# Note: ~5 GB each, takes a little while to download.
# Both are needed for tests.  Neither are needed if you are
# exclusively using analytic model galaxies.
galsim_download_cosmos -s 23.5
galsim_download_cosmos -s 25.2

You may wish to, for example, set up a new python virtual environment before running the above, or choose a different directory for WebbPSF’s data files.

Some users report issues with the FFTW dependency of galsim on Mac Arm systems. See galsim’s installation page for hints there. In particular it may be helpful to install FFTW before galsim and romanisim.