
romanisim.image.gather_reference_data(image_mod, usecrds=False)

Gather reference data corresponding to metadata.

This function pulls files from parameters.reference_data and/or CRDS to fill out the various reference files needed to perform the simulation. If CRDS is set, values in parameters.reference_data are used instead of CRDS files when the reference_data are None. If all CRDS files should be used, parameters.reference_data must contain only Nones.

This functionality is intended to allow users to specify different levels via a configuration file and not have them be overwritten by the CRDS defaults, but it’s not terribly clean.

The input metadata is updated with CRDS software versions if CRDS is used.

dictionary containing the following keys:

read_noise darkrate gain inv_linearity linearity saturation reffiles

These have the reference images or constant values for the various
reference parameters.